Hire .NET Developers
Hire Developers on a full-time, hourly, or fixed cost project basis and manage them as your extended team. With WishDD, you can Increase your profitability by over 50%. Hire qualified developers and get guaranteed results. Chat with your dedicated developer instantly on a day-to-day basis. Start in 24 hrs, no minimum commitments. Work with a team at a modern, secure, Google® verified office.
Hire .NET Developers
- Hire Developers on a full-time, hourly, or fixed cost project basis and manage them as your extended team.
- With WishDD, you can Increase your profitability by over 50%.
- Hire qualified developers and get guaranteed results.
- Chat with your dedicated developer instantly on a day-to-day basis.
- Start in 24 hrs, no minimum commitments.
- Work with a team at a modern, secure, Google® verified office.
Our .NET Framework Expertise
Get a general-purpose, multi-program language that uses object-oriented, lexically scoped, component-oriented, imperative, and declarative programming disciples.
ASP. Net
Our ASP.NET developers build fast, low-cost, server-side web applications and dynamic web pages.
.NET Core
We prefer .NET Core for building scalable, high-performance, and cross-platform applications (Windows, Linux, macOS).
From mobile front-end to solid back-end, Azure provides you a stable, agile, and reliable application that scales quickly. Planned integration with third parties? It’s simple with Azure.
ASP.Net Core
Our .NET developers deliver scalable, streamlined, cloud-based solutions which work identically on Windows, Linux, and macOS.
Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF) allows you to harness the potential of Microsoft for user interfaces in Windows-based applications.
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.NET Services
We offer our clients .NET development services including
Dedicated .NET Developers
Our dedicated .NET developers excel in delivering powerful web portals, CMS, and desktop applications, so that small and large scale enterprises can achieve measurable outcomes and level up their game.
Cloud Solutions & Integrations
Armed with multi-year experience, our skilled .NET team offers 100% secure cloud solutions to enable on-the-fly scaling and load balancing for high-performing applications at a lower cost.
Web APIs
Are you looking to scale your project? Count on our highly proficient .NET team for Web API integrations that enable functionality extensions, enhanced connectivity, and new efficiencies while minimizing risks.
IoT & Embedded Systems
We have a unit of highly competent ASP.NET programmers who offer next-gen solutions for IoT-enabled devices, wearables, location-based apps, and smart sensors to create embedded systems for remote monitoring.
.NET Migration
As a leading .NET offshore company, Capital Numbers ensures seamless migration of your legacy systems to .NET to double your app’s performance, maintain high availability, cut risks, minimize costs, and save time.
.NET Mobile
Let our team of tech experts craft rich solutions using .NET across multiple platforms like iOS, Android, and Windows, to help you hit the market with impeccable mobile apps that yield rapid results.
.NET Desktop App Development
Our seasoned .NET professionals carefully select the right tech stack to create rich line-of-business apps and optimize them for modern workloads that run on Windows, macOS, and Linux.
.NET Support
Capital Numbers supports development on all .NET versions and platforms, assisting with enhancing and maintaining your custom solutions. We can work directly with code or provide support to your internal .NET developers.
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Partner With WishDD
We are a one-stop shop for your project, helping you at every stage of the entrepreneurial adventure - from crafting your idea, through design and development, up to product launch and scaling your business.
Small Businesses
Small and Mid-Sized businesses need top development skills for scaling their products. We set up dedicated teams that handle new features, maintenance, and scaling for you.
We help enterprise clients achieve better results, automate processes, and cut costs with solutions that bring actionable business insight and pave the way to scaling any business.
Software Companies
We know how difficult it is to source talent. We provide developer teams to support in-house resources or create interdisciplinary, self-reliant tech units to address your needs.
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Easy To Choose Pricing Models
Get a Fixed Price Quote
- We'll provide a fully signed NDA for your project confidentiality.
Hire a Dedicated Developer
- 8 Hrs/Day - 160 Hrs Per Month. Monthly Rolling Contract. 25% Savings over Fixed Price Projects.
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Why Choose WishDD
Reliable Service
100% in-house team. No freelancers
Trusted by People Like You
Over 100+ real, 5 star reviews on Google.com
Hire Experts
We employ only top 1% developers.
Modern Setup
We have the best workplace in the industry.
Ai Driven Workflow
We try to address issues before they occur.
Save up-to 50%
We are better and yet cheaper than other solutions
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Some Of Our Works
Development of Cost Management Tool and Dashboard for Landscaping Companies
We created multiple cost calculators within the app to enable contractors to develop estimates, calculate forecasts, and manage their logistics easily.
Porting Legacy ASP Application to .NET
Our .NET experts helped the client migrate from their legacy-old ASP code to the latest .NET framework, thereby modernizing their existing solution for improved business continuity.Tech Stack :
Cinemaxx An app that helps users watch movie trailers and purchase tickets with the help of just a few clicks
We helped the client with a highly scalable app that allows users to book movie tickets, select seats, avail discounts, etc., thereby stepping up the ticket-booking process for cine-goers worldwide. Tech Stack :
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