Enterprise Resource Planning

Enterprise Resource Planning

ERP Solution is a software solution that is developed to better manage all the concerned resources within the business domain. ERP solution is an integration of multiple software modules one for each business domain/resource. All these modules are integrated to facilitate end-user with minimal data input(single point data entry) and maximum output in terms of intelligent reports and more. It facilitates businesses, industries and institutes to easily manage their daily work.
ERP stands for Enterprise Resource Planning. ERP introduces a way to integrate the data and processes of an organization into one single system. ERP systems normally have various components from different domains like hardware, software and services, to make them work in coordination as an integrated system, to make all the business functions run smoothly. Some ERP solutions use a unified database management system for data of all different software modules while other ERP solutions involve a mapping layer to integrate database management systems of different breed. A Software Management System that automates or manages multiple Business processes across two or more domains is considered as an ERP, while all the covered modules are integrated and share information with each other. E.g. a software solution that covers two domains: Payroll and Accounts may be considered as an ERP. Some Larger ERP Solutions cover a no of Business domains e.g. Human Resource Management, Inventory Management, Payroll Management, Accounts Management, File Tracking, Documents Management, Workflow Management and lot more.

ERP Step By Step

We offer a strategy, evolved over years providing Custom ERP solutions, to build an ERP step-by-step, so that our client may feel it growing, experience it's benefits expanding with each new module being added to it, with negligible financial impact, at a time. Your Business evolves with time, so should your exposure with technology that makes you aware of progress. Consider the need of the hour. Implementation of IT solutions and services one at a time will eventually stand you with your own ERP. We, at ePatronus IT Solutions, first of all consider that what is the business domain of an organization or institution, we consider all the Business functions involved and then we divide them into working modules. Next step is to map module into a Software Solution.

ERP Step By Step
Custom Based ERP Solution Custom Based ERP Solution

Custom Based ERP Solution

Every business organization has its own unique way to do business. There are a number of ready to use software/ business management solution but these readymade solutions cannot exactly meet the requirements of so many unique business processes. These readymade software have limited flexibility and are based on fixed scope. Here comes the customized software solutions which are designed and developed according to the customer’s needs. Such custom built systems are not supposed to meet the requirements of all types of business ways and standards but they exactly meet the requirements of the business they are customized, designed and developed for.

Lifecycle Methodology Of Custom Software Development



It is the first step of custom software development process. Requirements are gathered from the client, details are discussed and refined carefully. Our application analyst and ERP architect study the finalized requirements and generate a comprehensive Project Proposal.

Software Requirements Specification

Software Requirements Specification

Now we write down the exact software specifications based on the project proposal. It is ensured that both the parties are on same page, nothing is missed-out, software scope and features minutest details are precisely defined.

Software Analysis & Design

Software Analysis & Design

During analysis and design phase Software architect, application infrastructure, interface design details and logical database design are finalized.

Software Development

Software Development

In this phase, database design, interface design, coding and basic testing takes place

Software Deployment

Software Deployment

Here we integrate all the developed software modules, deploy it online/ on cloud, make necessary configurations and customer is given access to the software with necessary credentials.

Final Testing

Final Testing

Final testing in a real working scenario with the real data is only possible with help of end-users, our team assist thoroughly and resolve any bug found on priority.

Purchase Cycle


Sales Cycle


Accounts Management

Accounts Management System is a very important module of an ERP. It keeps track of Accounts of a company. It covers cash flow, Payables and Receivables, Balance Sheet, Trial Balance, Profit & Loss statement, ledgers and more.

Modules of Accounts Management System:

To Facilitate Record Keeping of:


Customer Support System

Effective Customers Management is a core of success for any business.

Customer Management System

Vendors/Suppliers Management System

Rich End-User Experience

Customer Management System


We offer comprehensive and very useful reports as per formats defined by our customers.